Regarder Gratuitement The Fight Rules en streaming VF

Voir film The Fight Rules complet en streaming gratuit et en français (VF)
- Acteurs: Boris Abramov, Stanislav Boklan, Evgeniy Galich
- Date de sortie: 2020
- Genre: Films, Action
- Duree: 1h 35min
- Realisateur: Aleksey Shaparev
- Langue original: VF
- Allocine Rating: star_rate 3,1
Synopsis: Voir le film The Fight Rules en streaming VF, This is the story of a former promising boxer Taras who earns for living by the street laws. His mother's disease causes him to go to the illegal fights without rules, where he quickly makes a career, but finds an enemy in the face of crime boss Skulsky, who leaves Taras without prize required for the treatment and endangers the lives of Taras's....
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